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Stories of Conflict and Connection– Deep Improv

Join us for a performance of spontaneous storytelling as we explore the intricate dance between conflict and connection through improvised theater. Expect laughter, tension, and surprises as our performers navigate the emotions that bind and divide us.

Saturday, September 28, 4 pm. Pacific Time

Bay Area Playback Theater presents an online performance with your stories of conflict and connection. This event is free (although we will gratefully accept donations) but you need to register at

Playback logo 2021.jpg

Our latest in person performance was Friday May 17th 2024, 7 PM

San Geronimo Valley Community Center

6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Geronimo, CA 94963 (415) 488-8888

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2023 Playback Theater virtual and in-person show

Part of the Playback North America Conference 2023

See the video here:

Audience will attend virtually on Zoom. Actors will be in-person and on Zoom.Bay Area Playback Theater Presents: 

This event will be an interactive performance involving storytelling by the audience and improvisational enactments of your stories by the ensemble. Join us for a unique hybrid blend of in-person and distance performance. 

Life is always making demands of us. Challenges of health, money, work, family, relationships, coping with surprises, stepping into a new role at work or in love. Surviving another world crisis. We meet those demands by transforming who we are and what we do.

Stories, stories, stories! Bring your stories of transformation;
We will play them back with compassion, love, humor, creative reflection……FUN.

The virtual performance was recorded and the edited recording will be aired on the Marin Community TV channel, San Rafael CA

Playback Theater North America Festival 0223 

Our virtual Bay Area Playback Theater Show has been on Marin Community TV again!

“Breaking Out Of The Box”
Channel 26 in Marin County on:

PAST Playback Theater Improvisational Theater Performances:
Virtual Show
“Breaking Out of the Box”, Creating Change in Ourselves and Our Communities

A virtual performance at the Playback North America Conference, March 13th, 2022.
There are so many systemic issues that have been highlighted by Covid, including inequities of race & class, climate change, environmental degradation, partisanship, etc. … At the same time, people have been put into separate little boxes — zoom being a perfect metaphor.

In our boxes we may feel safe but are often confined to the echo chamber of our own walls and recycled thinking. Problems seem insurmountable, as how can we address them by ourselves?

Many of us want to find ways to break out of our little boxes and change our relationships to ourselves, to each other, to Mother Earth, to partisanship and ‘being right’… and to free ourselves to see, listen & interact with each other from a place of empathy, community and common goals.

How do we break out of our boxes? What does YOUR box look like? Can you break out of it, or do you find what you need inside? What will it take to transform ourselves and our communities? What can the world look like?

This show was part of the online Playback North America Conference & Performance Festival: Playback in Community- Reaching Towards the Futures We Want. It will include over 20 conference sessions and 8 performances, hosted & performed by PNA members. The full Performance Festival ran 3/11/22 – 3/13/22.

See the video of this virtual show here:

Bay Area Playback Theatre Performance March 13th 2022

Virtual Performance:
New Beginnings-Beyond the Pandemic

A Virtual Bay Area Playback Theater performance , August 14th, 2021                               
Zoom program

This virtual performance was about true stories and experiences in enduring the widespread fear, isolation and challenges of this last year’s global threat and how it has affected the life going forward.
Can we find our normal again? What has changed? Do you see things differently? What have you gained or lost? What will you never take for granted again?
Your experiences, relationships, choices, pursuits, dreams, attitudes and beliefs have created new stories to share.

Donations are appreciated at

Playback North America “UnConference” Virtual Performance Video
In person show – recorded 2017 at the studio of the Marin Community Media Center, CMCM, Marin TV

See the video of the show here:




Bay Area Playback: Selected Performance Venues

Public Performances

Community Media Center of Marin, 2024

Virtual Playback North America Conference, 2020, 2022, 2023

Move Me Studio, 2016       

Open Secret Bookstore, 2011- 2019

San Geronimo Valley Community Center, 2015, 2024

Belrose Theatre, 2006 – 2010

O’Hanlon Center for the Arts, 2005,2008,2009

Larkspur Café Theatre, 2006, 2007

Peacock Gap Country Club, 2006

Whistle Stop Active Aging Center, 2018

Vivalon (virtual) 2021

Commissioned Performances:

San Quentin, 2015

American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama-64th Annual Conference. S.F. , 2006

Center Point Recovery Centers, 2004 – 2008

IEATA International Expressive Arts Therapy Conference, 2013

Juvenile Detention Center, 2005,2009

Kaiser, 2014

Lawrence Furman, memorial, 2017

Ohlhoff Recovery Programs, 2005, 2006

Marin Services for Women, 2004, 2005

Marin Abused Women’s Services, 2006 -2008

Novato Charter School, 2006

Palliative Care Nurses Annual Retreat, Jewish Family and Children’s Services, 2011

S.F. Homeless Drop-In Shelter-staff training, 2004

Spectrum LGBT Center, 2007,2009

Tamalpais Creek Senior Center, 2003, 2005

Tamalpais High School, 2007, 2009