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Bay Area Playback Theater


Bay Area Playback Theater, Improv in Marin, is an audience-interactive performance involving storytelling by audience members and improvisational enactments of your stories by our talented team of Actors and Musicians. In-person performances are held in the San Francisco Bay Area, in-person rehearsals in San Rafael, CA.
Our virtual performances have audience members attending from around the world.

Upcoming Playback Theater Show on Zoom:

Stories of Conflict and Connection– Deep Improv

Saturday September 28th, 4 PM ,PST

Registration link is on our Performances page

Deep Improv in Marin

See our new series” Rehearsing Improv” on Marin TV, Channel 26

Watch the Video of our Zoom and in person multimedia show at Community Media Center, Marin, in February.
Link to the performance video:

Complete show info on our “Performances” page


Learn the forms of Deep Improv/Playback theater

Auditions/Open Rehearsals,

Registration in advance is required, send us an email!
We have members attending nationwide

Bay Area Playback Theater Improv in Marin

What is Playback Theater?

Experience a unique form of improvisational theater, where stories or dreams are brought to life on the spot! See why Playback Theater is performed in over 50 countries for people of all ages, backgrounds, experiences… and for anyone with a story to tell.

Members of the audience are invited to tell stories from their lives, then watch as we instantly enact them using movement, music and dramatic spoken word.  The stories may be funny or sad, memories from long ago or yesterday. Audience and performers co-create a theater event whose subject is the life experiences of the people attending the show.

Playback builds connections between people by honoring the dignity, drama and universality of their stories. These audience-interactive performances build trust, deepen understanding and create opportunities for personal and group enrichment. Bay Area Playback Theater Improv in Marin

Group members of Bay Arae Playback Theater

“You were fabulous. Wow, wow, wow. Everyone loved you and it was so powerful for us. The performance gave us a deeper understanding of our own stories and their emotional affect on us. Everybody was emotional impacted. Some brought to tears. Thanks to each of you for sharing your hearts and talents.” J.Redwing Keysar R.N., Director Palliative Care Program, Jewish Family and Children’s Services

“My face hurt from smiling. I was feeling the joy for the human connection in the room.” Joan Nelson, Chairperson Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin Social Concerns

“I’m a big fan of improvisational theater but didn’t know what to expect from Playback.  I was a “teller” at two performances.  At the first performance I laughed and at the second I cried.  Both experiences knocked my socks off.”  Allan Blau, Attorney at Law

“I felt the earth move even though it didn’t register on the Richter scale.  I laughed.  I cried.  It was everything you want in a night of improv.  These actors are magical.”  Nika St. Claire, Program Director, Alameda Family Services

“I was surprised and delighted.  What an extraordinary and entertaining evening! The rare talent of the actors resulted in a delightful and soulful bonding.”  Deborah von Bolschwing, Psychologist

“How in the world one performance can be exhilarating, entertaining and also be a transformational experience was proved possible at the Bay Area Playback Performance.  I can’t wait for more.” Esther Blau, R.N.

“The actors pull various emotions out of the viewer like a clown retrieving a trail of scarves from his mouth.  Risk taking, Energetic, Whimsical.” Nicole Katler, Psychotherapist and Musician

I was so impressed by your PT company: varying ages, distinct and different contributions, keen humor, clarity of presentation, great topic, highly skilled and warm conducting…a troupe to be proud of!
Tara Paley, audience member from our virtual performance

“Best Bets” Marin Independent Journal

Getting personal

Known for their quick-wittedness and creativity, the Bay Area Playback Theater have made a name for themselves with their ability to turn audience members’ stories and experiences into on-the-spot theater pieces using music, movement and spoken word.
Marin Independent Journal, August 11, 2021

Donate to Bay Area Playback Theater

Donations are appreciated at
Donations support our rehearsals and shows:

or PayPal:

Past Fiscal sponsor:

Bay Area Playback Theater is a member of:

Winner, 2007 -2009 Marin Arts Council Grants
Playback North America